sabato, aprile 08, 2006

Our First Natchez Gig

Well, yesterday we got a call from our friend at the Convention Center asking if we could play a gig that night since we'd already be in Natchez for an interview and CD recording. It was rather last minute, but we told her that we'd do it and it became our first Natchez gig. It was for some sort of RV rally or something...I'm still not quite sure what it was. A lot of older people with tons of money and motor homes all met near Natchez for a get together of some kind and they wanted some entertainment that represented the historic culture of the city. Of course, this means that we were in our Southern Belle ball gowns which is always a hit. It was fun, and all of the people were very kind.

Anyway, we're going to help some friends move today, so I must be running along...

~Robin <><

2 commenti:

Leah ha detto...

Hi Robin!
I haven't been online much the last few days, so I just read your post about moving to Natchez. Sounds great and very "Thompson"-not to use your real last name online. ;) Praise God for His leading!


Robin ha detto...

Yes, we are quite thrilled! Glad to see you back online. Now I know that James is not my only friend in the world (though he is at present my most faithful commenter).

~Robin <><